{the why}
Mindset determines how you perceive and connect to the world around you—its one’s behavior, outlook, and mental attitude.
Behavior is the observable manifestation of your culture. Challenge the mindset of your teams to experience a greater external impact personally, interpersonally, and collectively as a team. Private victory always precedes public victory, and the proof is in the ROI.
{what we offer}
Reduce stress, enhance job satisfaction, and increase engagement within your healthcare teams.
Equip them with an extra set of lenses to help them navigate from destructive patterns to constructive choices and thoughts within their professional and personal settings. Empower to reach personal goals and find personal satisfaction and individual significance, improving the quality of life at home and at work.
{how we do it}
These customizable mindset workshops focus solely on personal mindset and give the tools and vocabulary to use when both the stakes and heart rates are high. We challenge the mindset and initial reactions and introduce an alternate way of thinking to get different results.
Life Coaching
Quit going down the same road expecting to get to a different destination. Reroute your course, get different results. Discover your personal purpose, develop goals, and define steps to achieve them. Feel the power of accountability. “What you are going to be tomorrow, you are becoming today.”
Positively Navigating Negativity
Complaining is like vomiting. Afterward, you feel better but everyone around you feels sick.
Keys to Time Management and Making Priorities the Priority
Take your life back. Quit allowing the noise of life to drown out what really matters to you
Ridiculously In Charge
No one can “make” you happy or mad...it’s a choice. Between stimulus and response there is a gap ... and it’s what we do with that gap that determines our reaction. This is where you have power to stop giving others control of how you feel. Attaching significance, creating stories, jumping to conclusions, and more tangled up things we do.
Bucket Fillers and Spillers
What recharges you? Identify at least 5 ways to refill mentally to be a healthier version of yourself. What drains you? Identify the activities and relationships and put a plan in place to patch the holes. Create and commit to a routine that refuels your body, mind, and heart.
Finding Personal Purpose
What matters most to you? Purpose drives everything. A clear purpose empowers you to live your best life. Purpose serves as both a filter and a springboard for your personal decisions. Your “Why” becomes your biggest motivation.
Beginning with the End in Mind
What do you want people to say about you at the end of your life? Keep the main thing the main thing in this workshop of perspective-changing reorientation. Find what ‘true north” is to you and notice when you get off track.
Thinking Wavelength
Teams understand and appreciate their unique wiring and how it complements the team make-up, how to reduce conflict with team members who are wired differently and how to gather perspective from each other to get good work done. It's not right or wrong, it's different.
You always get a combination of two things: what you create, and what you allow. You have more control over your life than you think. Learn to create boundaries, say no, and pursue your goals.